Vasyl Yaremchuk

Visitors can not see sweaver changes when they not logged in: how to fix it

One of the clients informed that Sweaver module does not save any changes.

I have taken a look on the problem and found out that changes are seen when I logged in as admin and not seen when I logged out.

First of all I turned off boost, css and JS optimization in Performans settings page.

Oh, I should mentioned that it was Drupal 6 project.

I have compared code in the case of authorized and anonymous users.
And in the anonymous case there were no some sweaver inline CSS.

I spent several hours to explore the isse in Google and and found an issue.

Let me share that with you.

I found the same issue on

There was helpful comment:

Really it was CTools issue:

I have implemented that:

You should delete only one sign ';' in line 312 in ctools/includes/

$statements = preg_split('/[;}]/', $css);

needs to be changed to:

$statements = preg_split('/[}]/', $css);

and sweaver start show changes for anonymous!